Amsterdam 20/06/2010
It’s been a while since I did an OUNI LIKES feature and it was only just a few days ago I stumbled over this Polaroid here above, while showing my kinda massive Polaroid collection to a very interesting blog that came to visit me at my home for an interview.
I don’t believe that things happen by accident, especially because this might be the exact right timing to pop up this Polaroid and introduce this jolly good fella nicely polarized here above as none other than NALDEN.
Who the fuck is Nalden, I hear you ask.
First of all, cursing is not very nice and second, what do you mean who the fuck is Nalden!?
The real question is…how come you don’t know who Nalden is?!
All jokes aside, let me be so kind to introduce you to this very interesting individual.
“Nalden simply is thé Blog-Guru and Web-Entrepreneur in the world today. Starting out blogging about the simple things he liked in life, Nalden proved the world that ‘blogging’ does matter and that ‘contextual value’ is key. Nalden’s blog became bigger than life with brands like NIKE, VODAPHONE, APPLE eagerly standing in line to advertise on his blog, what eventually led to NALDEN transforming into a brand instead of ‘just another blogger’.
Besides that, he is the man behind WETRANSFER, the online transfer system to send large files to one another. You can compare it with but than tasteful, dead simple to use and very easy on the eye.
Short version = Nalden is MASTER in the 2.0 hemisphere.“
Now that is what I wrote about him more than a year ago somewhere in June 2010.
In the meantime this social entrepreneur launched another of his creative ideas into the world, carrying the name KUVVA .
KUVVA is an application that provides interesting desktops and twitter layouts from various artists for all you people who are not bothered with looking for swag desktop and/or twitter layouts yourself, and rather display the work of a fresh emerging artist.
But Nalden clearly thought that this was not enough and decided to release his very first book(let) called FROM BLOGGER TO BRAND.
Composed by mostly images, this easy in the hand pocket book explains the rise from a bedroom blogger to the globetrotting blog royalty he has become.
But the reason why I like Nalden the most is because he helped me putting closure to a very intensive N.E.R.D x A Polaroid Story Saga.
And just like the title of that same story I wrote, he did it “all for nothing.”
Ofcourse I have some (blurry) exhibits of the moment we took this Polaroid picture.
I was very happy as you all can see
I admire people who live out their ideas and work hard to make them happen.
Nalden is the living example of that.