Instant Chocolate Love

Ostend, 14/02/2010
For various reasons, I’m not to keen on the different cliché celebrations mankind has invented to entertain the world and give the economy a little push in the back while doing it. Valentine’s Day is probably one of them. It’s just complete bullocks to my opinion, because If you have to wait a whole year for your beloved one to actually surprise you with chocolate, flowers, sweet loving and a raunchy night, well, then there is just something wrong with that (Polaroid) picture.
For me, the only good thing about Valentine is the music, because if you’re lucky, someone you love made you a beautiful mix tape, just for you. What can I say, I’m a sucker for personal mixtapes, it’s original, sweet, and it makes me weak in the knees. Guess I’m oldskool in that area.
Did I snap some sexy Polaroid pictures on Valentine’s Day I hear you ask? No. But. I did eat some cake. Not an ordinary cake. A chocolate brownie POLAROID cake. Yup.
One of my loyal readers, an old friend from highschool, mother of a pretty boy and notorious seaside cake baker, surprised me with this lovely Polaroid cake. Just because she felt like doing it.
Mieke (that’s her name) is a day 1 loyal reader, since, so she explained me, being a full time working mother, the stories allow her to still be informed about good music and my crazy adventures about nightlife makes her realise she is not missing out on thàt much. 😉
I could not hold these images from you, so enjoy.
So. Valentines day ended with coffee, tea, delicious Polaroid cake and some girlfriends. I can state that I ate my own face. And it tasted pretty good.
And you know what they say…
Falling in love should be like Polaroids. INSTANT.
PS: Thank you MIEKE, for putting so much time and effort in making this Polaroidcake, and reading my stories being a fulltime mommy. Big UP!!!