Wishing all my readers in the world a lovely Easter Monday!
You know I tend to keep some Polaroids off the radar from time to time right? Well, since it’s Easter and all, I’d thought it might be the perfect occasion to dust off these never before seen Polaroid shots from Jessie Ware & A$AP Rocky and share them with you guys. (a digital gift, from me to you.
An unlikely pair for some, however, matching up those two Polaroids shouldn’t really come as a surprise, especially since both artist officially teamed up on Jessie Ware’s ‘Wildest Moments’ remix for the US release of her ‘Devotion’album.
Listen to the remix here
(and enjoy your days off!)
PS: I’ve been rather quiet during March on here. There is a lot of change coming up for APS but don’t worry, it’s only for the good.
I’m preparing the APS festival season, a new website launch late 2013 and I’m working on getting money together to tour with the APS EXPO. This is a solo dolo project, so it takes time…
You can expect some brand new stories very soon. Don’t forget this month one story will be exclusively released in The Word Magazine first, and online later, so stay frosty for it, ’cause it’s a good one!