Yasss. It’s Victor -Vic- Crezée. Also known as Lil’ Vic, Vic ‘Cray’ Zée, White Boy Wasted or even Haring Arie, a nickname Vic claimed for himself referring to a notorious Dutch criminal with a golden heart who lived during the roaring sixties in Amsterdam. Vic is a DJ, hailing from Amsterdam who likes to refer himself as, and I quote; “That disease who plays at your little party”. Yeah … he comes along with plenty of confidence that boy.
Not familiar with ‘The Mayor of Leidseplein, Entertainment Area’? Let me be so kind to spill some beans about one of my favorite DJ’s. (don’t be jealous now)
Being introduced to Snoop Dogg by his older brother at age six and growing into Wu Tang Clan later on, young curious Crezée set foot in an Amsterdam record store called FatBeats one fine day, craving for more knowledge about the music his brother introduced him to. While hanging in the record store, Vic Crezée met DJ Edzon (also co-founder of Patta) who took young Vic under his wings and thought him everything he needed to know about the craft. Fatbeats granted Vic the nickname ‘Knowledge God‘ because he schooled himself so thoroughly. After his DJ ‘defloration’ on a weekly hiphop radio show Victor took on the name Lil’Vic and toured the nation with JAWAT!, a Dutch rapper, while juggling school.
Peep this video for more info about Vic’s early career elaborated by…his parents. 🙂
Those crucial first steps took him on a musical road trip all the way to DJ residencies in venues like Bitterzoet, Jimmy Woo and Paradiso hosting different parties like Woo Riddim, Bassline, White Boy Wasted & Live At The BBQ. Boys become men, so one day Victor transformed from Lil’Vic into Vic Crezée, better known as White Boy Wasted.
Although rooted from hip hop, over the years Vic Crezée broadened his horizons while exploring house and UK bass, which makes him a very versatile DJ, blending sounds and songs you may or may not expect. Check out this Boiler Room set to get an idea what Vic is all about.
Let’s not forget the everlasting love affair Vic has for R.Kelly aka ‘Kells’. An affection he displayed with the release of a 4 part mixtape series called ‘ entirely dedicated to R.Kelly. Talking about mixtapes, Vic is also responsible for recording quite a few of them, like the ones he curated for Patta, SLBMG and ‘Het Grote Gedoe’ with FaberYayo.
Did I mention he even lays down a couple of raps on tracks from time to time? For my international readers, he raps in Dutch, so you’ll probably don’t understand a word, but if you are curious hit the song below at 3:44.
This is the part of the introduction my male readers probably are going to grunt over but I simply hàve to mention that Victor Crezée is not afraid to flaunt in front of the camera. Modeling for Patta or shooting for the Dutch L’Officiel Homme doesn’t really scare him. Quite the opposite really.
Patta Lookbook.
(image credit: Patta)
L’Officiel Homme
So, now you probably want to know why I love Vic Crezée so much to feature him on the blog? Not because of his flawless face and his stale green eyes. That has absolutely nothing, and I repeat – nothing – to do with it. Neither does the fact that the way Vic moves behind the decks is far away from the nerdy moves most male DJ’s have when they do their thing. No, I swear, that has absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever.
Look, I’m the type of girl who enjoys different types of music, but if I go to a party, shit needs to pop! Most of all, I like an eclectic, vibrant set with oldskool hiphop & r’n’b mixed with some dirty house here and some filthy bass there, flavoured with the latest fresh tracks climbing the charts and some soulful classics to top everything off. Vic can do all of that. I confess, the first time I ever saw Vic Crezée…. I kinda rolled my eyes. I thought he was so full of himself. I remember him playing at a basement party hosted by Flo from A Cut Above and during one of his sets, Vic was actually combing his hair. With a comb. You know, the greasy way. I was like….whut the FUCK is this guy doing?
But you know what they say, there is a thin line between love and hate so I ended up loving Vic Crezée, mostly because he knòws how to rock a party. I ended up at a couple of parties he played in Belgium, Holland and Berlin and I have to admit that Vic managed to rule them all, every single time. Simple as that. So when the time came that I had to look for a (international) guest for my A Polaroid Story Expo Finissage Party I decided to look a little closer to home instead of booking a full band from South Africa (Remember that?!) and needless to say, my choice fell on Vic Crezée. He was joined that night by Haunted Vip – AJ OMO and my dear friend Nosedrip.
That brings us to the (short) story behind the Polaroid.
I picked up Vic Crezée and his charming manager Mo when they arrived in Ghent after their road trip from Amsterdam and we took the Polaroids displayed here above outside the gallery where I was having my very first expo. Vic admitted he had a rough night the night before, but having a little experience in front of the camera, looking a little rugged didn’t really stress him. What can I say, the fella could have deep dark craters the size of Sedan hanging underneath his eyes and still look interesting.
I just aimed my camera, did my usual countdown and Vic basically….worked it. 🙂
After dinner with Mo and Vic and a quick ‘fix up, look sharp’ moment in the hotel Aicha and I entered Club 69 where I hosted the party hoping for a great night and I was thrilled to see the cosy 69 club packed like a can of sardines. I always think nobody will ever show up when I throw a party so I was mad happy to see so many familiar and unfamiliar faces. After an excellent warm-up by Haunted VIP & AJ, Vic Crezee took over and all I can say is that he sure lived up to his reputation of ‘White Boy Wasted’ that evening. Then again, I was giving my best impressions of ‘White Girl Wasted’ that night and all I can remember is that everybody was having loads of fun and everybody was dancing like crazy.
(image credit by Club 69, for more click here )
I had to escort Vic into a cab straight after his set because his friend Vodka got the best of him and when I came back in Club 69 my homie Nosedrip kept things sexy with a UK Bass set to finish the night.
The next morning after a much-needed breakfast at the hotel (yes I had breakfast with Vic & Mo and yes they both look decent and clean in the morning) we said our goodbyes and the Dutchies took off back to their beloved Amsterdam. So for anybody who’s wondering how Vic Crezée is really like, I have to say that I don’t really know. 🙂 Maybe the following description might come in handy for the ones who are dying to find out more: “Haring Arie is impulsive, quick-tempered, suspicious, strong with fast flying fists, endearing, proud, easily offended, cheerful, flirty, honest but by his own code, he would go through fire and water for his friends, but not many friends are worth the effort, Haring Arie is…a jolly good fella.”
For all things Crezée, check his Soundcloud here.
PS: Thanks again to everybody who came to my first APS expo and everyone who showed love at the finissage.
Will definitely be continued…