I’m nominated for the WEEKEND BLOG AWARDS in the category PHOTOGRAPHY.
Now ain’t that something! 🙂
Really nice that a medium like WEEKEND.BE is organizing this to shine a little light on some of Belgian’s most interesting blogs and I’m happy to be amongst them.
I do miss my friends from Brussels Is Burning in the french ‘City Blog’ category and I secretly wonder why there isn’t a category with ‘Music Blogs’ as a whole instead of ‘Entertainment’, then again, my chances of winning against Disco Naivité would have been zip-zero-nada. 🙂
So dear troopers, I kindly ask you to vote for me, a little competition is always fun (I’m a lion after all) then again, being nominated is great already, because it comes with the opportunity to introduce this little blog to plenty of folks who probably never heard of that ‘chick with the Polaroid’.
You can vote here
Note –> You hàve to get through àll the categories in order to vote for me in the ‘Fotografie’ category though…)
May the best one win….